"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
Madiba’s and Tutu’s dream of a caring society brought to life: people with resources caring for people with less.
APRIL 2020: I watched events unfolding here in South Africa during the lockdown with growing empathy and dismay, as well as hope and admiration - so many people are needy beyond anything any of us can ever imagine, and so many people are stepping up to help them. It really makes my heart glow!
UPDATE 2022: I initiated Photos For Food during lockdown, but even though things have opened up (and many wonderful new initiatives started thanks to the lockdown!) the need for help continues in various ways, so I'm continuing this little way of giving what I can.
I've learned over the years that while the adage "if you want something done, do it yourself" is often true (such as communities needing to step up while government halted school feeding schemes and even stole food parcels), it's also true that things are more effective when we come together as a collective and pool our resources. So while on my own I don't have nearly enough money to donate or health to volunteer as I'd like, I thought about how the resource I do have might usefully contribute. Photos may be soul food, but the belly and body need more substantial sustenance, so as a "please and thank you" I'm offering photos to those who are able to either donate funds for food or volunteer time to help those in need. Photos may be used for personal, non-commercial use.
I've chosen to work this on an honesty-box system:
- donate to the South African charity of your choice (in any way, be it money, food, clothes and other items, or volunteering);
let me know about it in the comments below, or email me if you're shy or prefer anonymity, so I can send you your coupon;
- browse my galleries to choose your photograph for your personal enjoyment;
- use your photos for food coupon to pay for your order.
This is my way giving back and of saying thank you, you're a beautiful person!
Here's some links to a few of my favourite organisations to support, and of course you're welcome to donate to your own favourite local SA charity:
- Green Guerrillas have turned barren waste ground in Masiphumele into food gardens where community members have learned to make soil, compost, fertiliser and to grow good, organic, healthy food to feed themselves and their community.
- Peninsula School Feeding Association have been providing meals to learners affected by poverty for decades, and during this lockdown are providing food supplies to even more families.
PHA Food & Farming Campaign growing food to feed the community. See what they're currently doing on their Facebook page.
- Send a virtual grocery voucher to a specific person via SMS, which can be redeemed at any Shoprite, Checkers or Usave store.
Supporting a family for a month
Victoria Nel
Thanks for the inspiration as always
Sally Andrew
Andy Nix
Andy Nix