“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”
This calendar is little piece of useful feel-good showcasing the natural beauty of our increasingly valuable and vulnerable seashores, which need our love and care.
May it bring you moments of beauty and breathspace as you play your part in this ocean of life.
Features & format of the calendar:
- South African public holidays, lunar and seasonal cycles, as well as significant Earth days
- A4 size, opening to A3 (30cm x 42cm) with space for writing notes
- Printed on local eco-friendly satin-matte paper
- One month per view (13 months from January 2020 to January 2021)
Pricing & discounts:
- 1-4 calendars R200 each
- 5-9 calendars: 5% discount
- 10 or more calendars: 10% discount
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